open to everyone

The association offers free entry lectures to all, on a wide variety of subjects, every second Saturday of the month, at the Maison Commune du Haut-de-Cagnes, 12 rue Dr Provençal.

Sylviane and Claudine are in charge of organizing these conferences. You can contact them to suggest a topic or to volunteer to present a lecture.

Our next lecture, on June 8th : “Ces aliments qui embellissent, recettes recettes beauté et conseils nutritionpresented by Colette Cécile, retired French teacher.

Ces aliments qui embellissent

My name is Colette. I am a French Canadian citizen and a retired French teacher. I am almost 60 years old and I never felt so comfortable in my own skin!

However, I went through a lots of hard s hip s in my life : neverending health issues fibroids, endometriosis, weak immune system ; acne and eczema ; hair loss ; premature aging.

I decided one day to take care of myself in order to find solutions to get rid of my health and beauty issues. I began to do research about targeted healthy nutrition
(with the help of an holistic and homemade beauty recipes).

Slowly, I noticed changes on my skin and in my health I couldn’t believe it! My family and friends pushed me to write a book to offer my testimonial. So, 10 years ago, I wrote this easy guide where I share my own adventure…

I stopped to eat bad food and began to follow a healthy nutrition (without depriving myself). I also started to create my own beauty skin care …

I finally found THE solution to all my health and beauty issues.
My book «Looking Fabulous with Beauty Food » allowed me to give hope , to reveal beauty secret s and to show that a well balanced nutrition can be delicious too . I really like to share my passion.

What stimulates me the most at each book signing event? To sell my book for a good cause. Indeed, for each book sold, I buy toys for ill children in hospitals (Lenval and Arch et hospital s in France/ Vancouver Children Hospital in Canada).
I was a sick child who stayed numerous times in hospital.

I knew that one day, I will do everything I can to give back love and see a beautiful smile on all these ill « angels » faces…
My dream has come true